Innovation Day Reflection

Welcome to our blog post about our innovation project. If you did not know, the 8th grade innovation project this year was about building a sled by using simple machines. In this project we were divided into multiple groups made out of 2 people. This is a summarization of what I was told at first about this project. After I was told about the project I was honestly a bit worried because I barely knew anything about the simple machines because I did not understand them and also because I could not imagine myself finishing this project in time. You would maybe expect for me to say that in the end it was okay and all, but that is how it felt for almost 100 percent of the process.

Although one of the biggest challenges with this project was the deadlines, ultimately the hardest challenge was the building of the sled. This was because no matter how much research I did for the building part of the sled, I would all the time while building second-question myself about if this was a good idea, or this was a bad idea and on-and-on-and-on. Another factor to this was that it was hard to finish it in time which had it go hand-in-hand with the deadline problem for bonus. Even with all these obstacles, we still made a decent sled in time.

After we finished the project, all we had to do was present it to the judges. While presenting I had a few stutters here and there, but overall it was fine. After presenting I felt relieved because for almost every second working on this project, I had the urge to just scream out that I quit and fail on this project because this was easily one of the most infuriating projects I have worked on. But I am also happy that I didn’t do that and just tried my best.

Looking back on this project, I absolutely hated it but although there were plenty of negatives, there were also several positives sprinkled in. For example I learned many things like how to build things and how to make a plan for things and more. The most important of these things I learned was how to improve as a partner.

Innovation Day

Welcome to our blog post about our innovation project. If you did not know, the 8th grade innovation project this year was about building a sled by using simple machines. In this project we were divided into multiple groups made out of 2 people. This is a summarization of what I was told at first about this project. After I was told about the project I was honestly a bit worried because I barely knew anything about the simple machines because I did not understand them and also because I could not imagine myself finishing this project in time. You would maybe expect for me to say that in the end it was okay and all, but that is how it felt for almost 100 percent of the process.

Although one of the biggest challenges with this project was the deadlines, ultimately the hardest challenge was the building of the sled. This was because no matter how much research I did for the building part of the sled, I would all the time while building second-question myself about if this was a good idea, or this was a bad idea and on-and-on-and-on. Another factor to this was that it was hard to finish it in time which had it go hand-in-hand with the deadline problem for bonus.

Mon Camion de Nourriture

A la fin de notre unité sur “Food and Eating Out”, Madame Sylvie nous a demandé de créer notre propre camion et d’inclure un nombre de détails comme: un simple menu avec prix et une carte d’affaires. En premier, il fallait décider quel genre de nourriture notre camion allait vendre. Moi j’ai choisi de vendre des etc Avec le logiciel CANVA, j’ai créé mon camion et j’ai hâte de le partager. Bien que la plupart des élèves dans la classe ont choisi CANVA pour créer leur projet, moi je l’ai fait à la main car je préfère le résultat et j’aime dessiner. Nous devions aussi trouver une vidéo qui explique l’origine du “Food  Truck”. Pour terminer, nous devions apprendre au moins huit phrases en français pour expliquer notre projet à la classe et à notre professeur. Voici ci-dessous mon projet sur les hot dogs du chef Ariel write the name of your restaurant here.)


My S.M.A.R.T Goals

My S.M.A.R.T. goal is… Two practical steps I can take to achieve this goal are…
I want to improve in English because last year I did not do the best in English.

I want to focus on improving my sentence structure and reducing my grammatical mistakes when writing by the end of the year.

  • Ask more questions in English class which I didn’t really do last year.
  • Take more time to do my work so I could understand it, make it better, and improve which I didn’t do last year. 
  • Write an extra paragraph each week
I want to improve in math, to be specific I want to get better at learning faster, because I am only okay at that and because it is very important in high school.

My goal is to be less stressed when I try to solve an equation because I will already understand it.

I would like to focus on improving my geometry skills by reviewing shapes and further understanding the related ratios/formulas. 

  • Do extra math work.
  • Focus more in class.
  • Asking my teacher more questions 
Get healthier (more in the context of how I look, ie body).

My goal is to work out at least three times a week in order to improve my health. 

  • Plan a workout plan
  • Watch fitness videos and do them
Get better socially (not feel like I am awkward when I’m talking with people and more).

My goal is to start a new conversation with a person in my class every day. 

I want to improve my handwriting in Hebrew (also English).

  • Try to talk more about things I don’t really care about
  • Try to learn about other people
  • To get better at handwriting, I will try to write more.
  • Put more effort when I am writing because when I write, I don’t care if it doesn’t look good.
I want to improve my vocabulary acquisition in Hebrew by studying 5 new words each week. 
  • Read more
  • Utilize Google Translate 
  • Engage in new conversations with Morah Ruthie/mom

Pirkei Avot

We were assigned a project after finishing all of the 2nd chapter of Pirkei Avot. The project that we were assigned was a Pirkei avot playlist. This is my Project:


I chose “Karma” by Taylor Swift because it fit perfectly with the message that verse 6, chapter 2 of Pirkei Avot talks about. The verse says: He also saw a skull floating upon the water. Said he to it: Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and those who drowned you, will themselves be drowned. This means that if you do something wrong, that same thing that you did will happen to you, in other words, the definition of Karma.

Taylor Swift has the same concept in her song. In her song she sings about someone who betrayed her and that she knows that Karma will come back to that person while she knows that she is in the good by saying lines like: “Cause karma is my boyfriend” and “karma’s a relaxing thought”. She also says the definition of karma in lines like “‘Cause karma is the thunder Rattling you ground Karma’s on your scent like a bounty hunter Karma’s gonna track you down. 

I chose society by Eddie Vedder because it shows one of the many ways and possibilities that consequences from actions could finish and shows it in the way that verse 7, chapter 2 shows. The verse says: He would also say: One who increases flesh, increases worms; one who increases possessions, increases worry; one who increases wives, increases witchcraft; one who increases maidservants, increases promiscuity; one who increases man-servants, increases thievery; one who increases Torah, increases life; one who increases study, increases wisdom; one who increases counsel, increases understanding; one who increases charity, increases peace. One who acquires a good name, acquired it for himself; one who acquires the words of Torah, has acquired life in the World to Come. This means that everything that happens in the world leads to another thing happening and it continues like that for eternity.

Eddie Vedder has the same concept in his song. In his song he sings about how if we want more we will start to think that we need it which will end in there being not enough left to get which will start to make people steal from others and end in chaos. He shows that in lines like: “When you want more than you have You think you need And when you think more than you want Your thoughts begin to bleed I think I need to find a bigger place ‘Cause when you have more than you think You need more space”.

I chose Respect by Stevie Wonder because it has the same concept as the message in verse 12, chapter 2. The verse says: Rabbi Yossei would say: The property of your fellow should be as precious to you as your own. Perfect yourself for the study of Torah, for it is not an inheritance to you. And all your deeds should be for the sake of Heaven. This means that people and their belongings are as precious and important as you and yours, pretty much it means to respect people.

Stevie Wonder has the same concept in his song. In his song he sings to his girlfriend/wife to respect him and if she does so he will give her respect, gifts, and love back to her. He shows that in lines like: “Oh yeah, well… What you want, baby, I got it What you need, you know I got it All I’m asking for Is just a little respect when I get home” and “I’m about to give you all of my money But all I’m asking in return, honey Is to give me my respect when I get home Oh yeah, got to have respect”.



Science Innovation Day Reflection

In February Mr. Ray assigned the whole class with the innovation day project. The whole point of the project was to use the scientific method. This project helped me with learning how scientists perform their tests and show their results. In the project me and my partner worked very well without trying that hard because we knew how to handle our time perfectly and due to that we were ahead of a lot more groups. For what I would fix, I would fix the amount of focus I had when we were presenting the presentation because our presentation looked very nice and had loads of information but we didn’t get the mark we wanted because we didn’t present it the best way we could have and I regret that and will learn from that for next year. Me and my partner for the innovation day project were actually on track and ahead of all the groups so we didn’t need to work at home or finish everything at the last minute and that we were really good at. I worked as hard as possible on the project and although I didn’t get the mark I wanted, I learned from the experience and now I know what to do and how to prepare for next time. 


אדולף אלטהוף

1.A hardship that I think Adolf Althoff faced was the anxiety of the Germans while inspecting something suspicious.

2.It captivated me because for someone that successful to have the chance of losing it all just to save a life is crazy.

  1. The way I was impacted by his story is that not just that he risked his life to save those jews and generations to come,but he also got them a job which helped them to go outside and not be suspicious of anybody.
  2. This story can educate others by teaching them that everybody is equal and when you see people being judged for something that is not their fault,you should intervene and stop it.
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